Technology, Training, and Access. For All.
STEM and Success
Education plus technology equals success. In accordance with STEM related efforts, state and nationwide, the Foundation promotes training, education and resource development for aspiring young achievers.
TechWise Training
Our students are not just wise, but TechWise. We directly provide technological education and training through community efforts like the Apalachee Ridge Tech Center. Underexposed youth are learning the tech skills they want and need.
Reaching Out
In addition to our “in house” efforts, the Foundation is expanding through partnerships. We provide support, equipment, training, and space for other organizations and individuals who share our passion for reaching out to the underexposed.
Media and Documentation
The first document
Here is the first draft of the documentation presented by John IV to John III. As you can see, some of the branding and ideas have been modified, but the core values are still present. Link to pdf
Declaration of Intent
Here you can find our latest "Declaration of Intent" -- a detailed look at our plans. (Link forthcoming)
The Projects:
TechWise Code Academy
The first session is in progress now!
Our goal is to give students the practical coding skills that are invaluable in the job market – but also to give them the insight and inspiration to be a force for good in our increasingly technologically-oriented world.
Students will receive training in:
- Software Development
- Web Design
Coding and Scripting

The Projects:
Community Engagement Program and Center
Today’s youth often pick up technology at a faster pace than their elders. At times, this youthful eagerness enables useful contact and engagement — though it may also result in instances of poor decision-making. As for the elders, at times they are behind with technology and need help understanding — though it is possible this late adoption reflects a level of wisdom and thoughtfulness that young people need to develop.
We aim to bring these two groups together.
The solution is a safe space, both metaphorical and physical. We aim to lead ongoing round-table discussion and workshops – led and moderated by expert technologists. We will seek individuals who both understand the complexities of the technology, as well as the particular needs and desires of the community.

Who we are.
Get Involved! Please contact us if you are interested in recieving further information.
The mission of the Jane and John Marks Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is to improve the lives of citizens through advocacy and outreach. The Foundation recognizes a path to a creative society via sustainable economic growth and education, fueled by emerging technology.